
A web project is like a house — would you prefer yours to be:

Built with Fragile Modules & Hard to Manage?

Maison Croche

...that's what you get with Plugins!
Built on Strong Foundations & Easy to Manage?

Maison Droite

...that's what you get with Integrated Solutions!

What is a plugin? Code which is not part of the base package of software, with the purpose of extending functionality. Plugins are also called add-ons, extensions or modules. In most cases, using plugins leads to a phenomenal amount of complexity, fragmentation, duplication and overlap. They evolve each in their own way and create many issues and instabilities. WordPress, Drupal and Joomla! all work with plugins that are a hassle to choose from, integrate and update.

How do web applications compare?

WordPress Drupal Joomla! Tiki
Web site Yes Yes Yes Yes
Social Networking Different project: BuddyPress, which has its own plugins Many plugins to choose from Many plugins to choose from Built-in and configurable
Forums Different project: bbPress, which has its own plugins Many plugins to choose from Many plugins to choose from Built-in and configurable
Shopping cart Many plugins to choose from Many plugins to choose from Many plugins to choose from Built-in and configurable
Wiki They use MediaWiki Many plugins to choose from They use MediaWiki Built-in and configurable
Long Term Support (LTS) WordPress doesn't offer an LTS version because the project leader is "philosophically opposed" to LTS versions. No, but several years between major releases At least 4 years 5 years

WordPress Drupal
Web site Yes Yes
Social Networking Different project: BuddyPress, which has its own plugins Many plugins to choose from
Forums Different project: bbPress, which has its own plugins Many plugins to choose from
Shopping cart Many plugins to choose from Many plugins to choose from
Wiki They use MediaWiki Many plugins to choose from
Long Term Support (LTS) WordPress doesn't offer an LTS version because the project leader is "philosophically opposed" to LTS versions. No, but several years between major releases
Joomla! Tiki
Web site Yes Yes
Social Networking Many plugins to choose from Built-in and configurable
Forums Many plugins to choose from Built-in and configurable
Shopping cart Many plugins to choose from Built-in and configurable
Wiki They use MediaWiki Built-in and configurable
Long Term Support (LTS) At least 4 years 5 years